Pet Policy

The Aurora Farmers’ Market is a welcoming, pet friendly market. We want everyone to feel invited and have an enjoyable experience. Some people love pets, others don’t. Take your cues from around you, whether someone is comfortable with your pet. The bottom line is being courteous and respectful of others.

If patrons do choose to bring their dogs, they're expected to act in a responsible pet-owner manner and adhere to the rules to ensure a pleasant market experience for all. Most important, the expectation is your dog is up to date on all necessary
immunizations and and is free from contagious diseases.

Dogs at Farmers' Market

  • All dogs should be by your side at all times on a short, manageable leash.
  • Dogs must be kept away from produce, plants, food product and food prep areas.
  • Be mindful of space, ensuring their dog is not obstructing walkways, or vendor booths, walkers, wagons or strollers.
  • Owners must bring doggy clean-up bags and use them when needed. PLEASE discard used baggies in green receptacle located at Town Park entrance from Larmont St.
  • Dogs need to be courteous and able to socialize with people and other dogs.
  • Friendly well behaved dogs only. Aggressive or overly vocal dogs must be removed from the market area.
  • Your dog listens to cues -“drop it” or “leave it”… At the market, food on the ground could be dangerous to some dogs.
  • Consider the weather, leaving your dog at home if it is too hot, raining or foul weather.
  • PLEASE do not leave your dog in the car while you shop.

Patrons choosing to bring their dogs to the market, both the pet owner and pet are expected to act in a responsible manner, adhering to the rules, to ensure a pleasant market experience for everyone.

Should there be an issue, management reserves the right to ask dogs be removed from the market.